Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Painting a Day 80

Seeing as winter has returned I thought I would paint a tree that I see very often on my way out anywhere.  Now because I don't have a photo to work from and this tree is along a very busy, currently slushy, road, and I won't be getting a photo anytime soon, it's not try accurate.  But I think it conveys the idea.  In the spring I will go out and take a picture of it, because it is a very cool looking, gnarly, broken-branched tree.  Here is a general idea of it from my memory which I am sure is highly inaccurate!  Also the rendering of this image online is not the greatest because with this size of canvas board I can't fit it on the scanner, so I have to photograph it to get an image to use.

Winter Tree, acrylic on canvas board, 12" x 12"

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